Family Member
Stephen Martines

Player Bio
Founder & CEO – Ex-Professional Soccer Player, Seven Skies Productions, SmashHouse, The Good Brand and Pro Pickleball Player
Founder & CEO – Ex-Professional Soccer Player, Seven Skies Productions, SmashHouse, The Good Brand and Pro Pickleball Player
Stephen hails from St. Louis, Missouri, born on July 23, 1975. As full-time Father and already accomplished , Actor, Recording Artist, Athlete and soon-to-be Author Stephen has turned his sights to building an empire in the sport of Pickleball. Martines turned Pro in April of 2022 playing primarily on the PPA Tour and most recently entered into the Major League Pickleball Draft. Having a background in professional soccer, he understands the work, dedication and determination it takes to sustain being a professional athlete.
Although playing is a passion, Stephen has developed and designed a concept and embodies a vision like no other in the game. Stephen thinks big, dreams big and plans to build big.
After an eight year hiatus from Television, Stephen is returning to the ring. This time producing his own films. There in lies the birth of Seven Skies Productions. The “seven skies of heaven“. Stephen has much experience in front of the camera and is taking that passion behind the camera as well. Seven Skies embodies the days of storytelling over the new age Hollywood where the standards are no longer there. Much like Stephen’s business model, he plans to stand apart and raise the bar in all he touches.
Seven Skies has four films on slate with one having just moved into pre-production.